2005 Projects:
1. The Dzogchen-Tantra Translation Project
In June 2005, the three main translators of the Dzogchen-Community – Elio Guarisco, Adriano Clemente and Jim Valby – met in Merigar for two weeks in order to continue their work on the translation of the Mejung-Tantra. The work on this marvelous Tantra started in summer 2004 during the Training for Translators in Margarita. Elio and Jim carried on this translation work in November and December 2004 in Tsegyalgar. In spite of being weak due to illness, Elio worked on two Tibetan texts in the spring 2005. He went on with the translation work of the Mejung, and he also finished the work on th ebook “Being Born, Living and Dying”, the latest book of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu on Tibetan Medicine. This text was the manual for the first Training for Translators in 2003 scheduled for publication in October 2005 as the first visible fruit of the Ka-ter Translation Project. We sincerely thank Elio for the enormous strength and effort he always devotes to the translations of Tibetan texts.
The next meeting of the three translators will take place between November and December 2005 in Margarita. During six weeks they will try to finish the translation of the Mejung Tantra and also will work on the Khanyam Tantra.
2. The Training for Translators from Tibetan
From 6th of July until 9th of August 2005 the third Training for Translators from Tibetan was held in Merigar. Under the guidance of Elio Guarisco 10 translators from the world-wide Dzogchen-Community had again the precious
opportunity to work on a wonderful Dzogchen Tantra, the Khanyam, and in that way to progress their ability to translate spiritual Tibetan texts which are so difficult to translate.
Excellent translators from Tibetan are very rare, but the reason for that is very simple. Not everybody who is interested in Tibetan language has the capacity to translate from Tibetan in a correct and precise way. In order to become a good and qualified translator from Tibetan it really takes many years of intensive and concentrated work in which one dedicates oneself a couple of hours every day translating Tibetan texts. In the last three years more than sixteen translators from all over the world have dedicated their time, money and effort to work on translations from Tibetan and have taken

3. The preservation of the Tantras of Changchub Dorje
The preservation of the numerous Tantras of Changchub Dorje, the master of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, is a project of the Shang Shung Institute of America in collaboration with the Shang Shung Institute Austria. All the work has been carried out for nearly one year in Tibet and is financed by the two Institutes. The Austrian branch of the Institute supported this important project with 1500 US Dollar.
Finances of the Ka-ter Translation Project
Until the end of 2005 the Shang Shung Institute Austria will have financed all the projects with more than 22.500 Euro. As all the money comes from donations we really want to express our deepest gratitude to all donors who have supported our activities. In order to guarantee a continuation of our work also in the future we will need again your support.
There is one very nice way of sponsoring our activities:
1. If you can offer at least 1000 Euro you will get an incredibly wonderful statue of Garab Dorje. It is fully gold plated with painted face. It is 13 inches tall (33 cm) and 9 inches wide (23,5 cm) on a deer skin base. Please have a look at www.ssi-austria.at/ssi-engl/shop-engl-garabdorje.htm where you can see the statue.
2. If you can offer at least 750 Euro you will get an incredibly wonderful statue of Dorje Legpa. It is 14,5 inches (35,5 cm) high and 11 inches (27 cm) wide. It is excellently carved and has a gold plated face. Please have a look at www.ssi-austria.at/ssi-engl/shop-engl-dorjelegpa.htm where you can see the statue. (The German version is: www.ssi-austria.at/shop-statuen.htm)
But you also can give an online donation with your Visa or MasterCard via our web safe donation site: https://ssl13.inode.at/ssi-austria.at/creditcardoffering.htm (or the German version (https://ssl13.inode.at/ssi-austria.at/kreditkartenspende.htm)
All the money which you offer is a donation for the Ka-ter Translation Project and will permit us to continue our fruitful and effective work.
We thank you very much for your attention and your precious support, very best wishes
Oliver F. Leick
Shang-Shung Institute Austria