Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tibetan Medicine Monthly Talks

Tibetan Medicine Monthly Talks
With Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo

Friday, November 2nd , 7-9pm, The Seven Constitutional Types in Tibetan Medicine
During this course, Dr. Wangmo will introduce the seven constitutions in Tibetan Medicine. Every person is considered to be one of these seven constitutions, based on how the diet and behavior of one’s mother affected the five elements during the gestation period. This class will discuss how to recognize these seven constitutions, their application in the Tibetan medicine, and the useful application of this knowledge in daily life.

Friday, December 7th, 7 -9pm, Conception & Embryology
Dr. Wangmo will introduce the basic theory in Tibetan Medicine of how conception is considered to take place, as well as how the body is formed inside of the mother’s womb. You will be introduced to Buddhist concepts, such as karma and consciousness, and learn the biological phases of development that the fetus goes through according to Tibetan Medicine.

February 1st, 7 -9pm, Understanding & Treating Menopause in Tibetan Medicine
In the ancient texts of Tibetan Medicine menopause is included in the chapters on gynecology. There are many types of female disease, but most are connected with the menstrual cycle. In this system they are divided in two: trag tsab – early stage menstruation problems and lung tsab – which includes chronic problems. Dr. Wangmo will be discussing the view of gynecology and treatment of menopause according to Tibetan Medicine in this course.

1st Friday of the Month
Located at the Shang Shung Tibetan Healing Center
16 Center St. Suite 323, Northampton, MA.
Please RSVP at 413.585.1081
Suggested Donation of $15