It began more than 4000 years ago in Shang Shung, the first kingdom of the land that would later become known as
Tibet. We are fortunate for the heritage that has come to us today in all its beauty and complexity. The International Shang Shung Institute is committed to the preservation of this vast and significant body of knowledge. All of our activities aim to sustain the unique culture and understanding of the Tibetan people, and keep the essential values of these traditions alive and thriving. Founded in 1989 by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, the International Shang Shung Institute promotes various initiatives for the preservation and diffusion of knowledge related to Tibet, past and present; from expertise and instruction on various aspects of Tibetan culture to the production of a
variety of items related to Tibetan teachings. Its staff is composed of people from all nationalities – Tibetan, Indian, Italian, and Austrian
– and from all walks of life, with 30 years of lived experience in dealing with Tibetan wisdom. For many years now we have been working on several large projects. They are all equally important and cover a wide range of Tibetan knowledge. Here are
some examples of our activities:
• the programs in Tibetan Medicine
• the translation work of ancient texts of wisdom (Ka-ter Translation Project)
• the preservation of the Teachings of Tibetan Masters
• the work on the immense archive
• the work on publications of books and practice materials such as DVDs, CDs and MP3s
By joining us as a member you will prove your interest in Tibetan culture and your commitment to preserve it for future generations. Your concrete support will help us ensure that the wisdom and knowledge of such a rare and unique civilization will not be further endangered.
There are four levels of membership:
Preliminary membership:
5 Euros or $ 7
This is a limited form of membership, and a mandatory requirement to purchase any of the products offered by Shang Shung Institute. The membership lasts from your first purchase until December 31st of the same year, and is
not renewed automatically. Please note access to the web shop of Shang Shung Institute is already included in membership to the International Dzogchen Community.
Ordinary membership:
50 Euro or US $ 70
This membership lasts from your payment of the membership fee until December 31st of the same year, and
is not renewed automatically. Ordinary members have the right to attend the annual general assembly of members. In addition, each ordinary member receives:
• a crystal with the logo of Shang Shung Institute printed inside
or a calendar with photos from Tibet produced by Shang Shung Institute
or choose one item, free from our web shop – a CD, DVD or book, produced by either SSI or Shang Shung Editions;
• a fine quality ballpoint pen inscribed with the name Shang Shung Institute;
• free mailing of these gifts anywhere in the world;
• full access to our web shop.
Sustaining membership:
108 Euro or US $160
This membership lasts from your payment of the membership fee until December 31st of the same year, and is not renewed automatically. Sustaining members have the right to attend the annual general assembly of members. In addition, each sustaining member receives:
• a crystal with the logo of Shang Shung Institute printed inside
or a calendar with photos from Tibet produced by Shang Shung Institute;
• choose one item, free from our web shop – a CD, DVD, or book, produced by either SSI or Shang Shung Editions;
• a fine quality ballpoint pen inscribed with the name Shang Shung Institute;
• free mailing of these gifts anywhere in the world;
• full access to our web shop.
Meritorious membership:
360 Euro or US $ 500
This membership lasts from your payment of the membership fee until December 31st of the same year, and is not renewed
automatically. Meritorious members have the right to attend the annual general assembly of members.
In addition, each meritorious member receives:
• a 10% discount on all courses and seminars of the ISSI;
• a crystal with the logo of Shang Shung Institute printed inside,
or a calendar with photos from Tibet produced by Shang Shung Institute;
• a crystal with the Tibetan letter A printed inside;
• choose two items, free from our web shop– CDs, DVDs, or books, produced by either SSI or Shang Shung Editions;
• a fine quality ballpoint pen inscribed with the name Shang Shung Institute;
• a calculator of the Shang Shung Institute;
• free mailing of these gifts anywhere in the world;
• full access to our web shop.
Thank you
for your support!
You can become a member, or renew for 2008, on our website
(the prices in dollars apply to North Americans only)